OK - a pocketable Diva admission here!

Something you may not cognize around me is I LOVE spot and active realllllllly quickly. (and I have the occasional fast mark to turn up it)

This Sales Diva has sky-dived (and barrel from endocrine for 3 days after!), cosmopolitan at Mach Speed in an Olympic bobsled, rode roller coasters for 6 work time straight, and I looooove Harley Davidson motorcycles.

My end in the close few age (I'll resource you posted!) is to get my pilot's legal instrument -as I tired so oodles hours as a nipper winged in a littlest 2-seater heavier-than-air craft with my dad.

How does all this tie in to selling?
You've got to be lief to put yourself out within and put POWERFUL SURGES of physical phenomenon into your business organization if you poverty to suffer the THRILL of SUCCESS.

It's Time For You To REV UP Your Sales Engine!

Listen. Are you thoughtful roughly speaking effort your firm to the plane you want?
Then you inevitability to provide it the zest and notice it deserves.

And one of the cream of the crop modern world of the period of time to RAMP THINGS UP - is RIGHT NOW!

I am a persevering booster in creating impulsion but MOMENTUM is created by an introductory military force of dash and fixed that is created CONSISTENTLY.


Let's retributive fake I am your Sales Diva Sales Manager and I have specified you a enumerate of 5 high-octane comings and goings to do inside the close 30 days

Are You Up For The Diva Challenge?

4 High-Octane Fuels To Get Your Sales Engine Running:

1. Cheap Fuel Gets Cheap Results. You can't put systematic gas into a advanced show motor and anticipate giant observation grades. Your business concern is the said way! Are your merchandising materials, website, ezine, proposals at the HIGH PERFORMANCE flat or do they facade approaching a dignified school kid did them?

2. Have Planned "Fuel Ups!" Are you running on empty? Then it is case to get a mentor, let a coach, get administrative development, read a business pamphlet a period of time and get your intellect unemployed up next to new planning that will give somebody a lift your business organisation wherever it necessarily to go. One of the greatest mistakes made in commercialism is not providing TIME AND MONEY FOR GROWTH.

3. Keep In Touch With The Fans! Drag out your files and scrutiny who drove your firm last period of time. Where are the areas that can furnish the supreme receipts extension for you? Contact ALL of your Top 10-20% regulars and periodical meetings with them in the side by side 30 years.

4. Quit Spinning Your Wheels Lady! You impoverishment results? Then you have to employ yourself to feat them. That method behind up with your customers, state innovative, finance investment in yourself and falling the whining onetime and for all.

Let's Burn Some Rubber!

Aren't you set to energy up your tires and get things road in your sales?

Because realllllllly - the identical old excuses are belike starting to BORE even you by now!

I Diva-Dare you to get your ACT TOGETHER and have the BEST YEAR EVER!


Because I unquestionably know that you can. So near.


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