If you are thinking about having tummy tuck surgery it has probably entered your mind what if there are complications$%: This is only natural to think this way but it is not a thought you should dwell on for to long. The tummy tuck procedure is major surgery and undergoing major surgery does always have the possibility of complications arising. But you should remember that complications are very rare from this type of surgery.

If you are anxious or worried about the possible complications connected with the tummy tuck procedure, it may help you if you talk to a qualified plastic surgeon that has been fully trained in body contouring and fully understands your concerns. This should help alleviate some of the concerns you may have regarding complications which could possibly arise from having tummy tuck surgery.

It is also worth remembering that there have been tremendous advancements in technology over recent years especially in the plastic/cosmetic surgery field, Which has helped to reduce the risk factor of complications developing even more so.

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Any potential complications will be reviewed and assessed by your surgeon during your pre-op consultations with him, during these consultations you should inform your surgeon if you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, lung disease or liver disease as these would put you in an increased risk category.

In addition you should also tell your surgeon if you are a smoker who will probably advise you to quit a number of weeks before your planned surgery.

Having this conversation with your surgeon should help to eradicate some of the possible fears you may have regarding tummy tuck complications this is important as you should go into your surgery with a positive attitude. Before consulting with your cosmetic surgeon you would be well advised to visit your regular doctor and discus your plans with him and get him to check your overall health and fitness. Doing this will further help you to reduce the risk of any tummy tuck complications.


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